Online Buy Chinese Antique Art Painting 高清永乐宫三清殿 朝元图长卷元代马君祥及马七子 Yuan Chao Yuan Tu. Find More Chinese Traditional Antique Paintings For Your Chinese style collections, China styles home decorations or as unique presents. As you can see the images, in good condition, made retro, like old or used. Any questions just feel free to contact us.
- Xuan Paper / Rice Paper / Xuan Zhi 宣紙画心 is good for Framed painting.
- Silk Juan Ben 绢本画心 is good for copy and learn painting.
Package:Paintings With No frames or extra borders, Safety Packed.
[Perfect gift] It is not only a painting, but also an unique ornament, very suitable for weddings, housewarming parties, birthdays and Christmas, or be used as a unique gift for friends or teachers or lovers who like to collect Chinese old products.”
Kindly Notes:
1. The price is for one piece, each size corresponds to different price and different picture, please pay attention to choose the sizes and pictures.
2. The products do not contain any frames or extra borders, the picture ratio will be adjusted according to the size you purchased (slightly compressed or cropped). If you want frames or extra borders please contact us for more details.
3. The products are NOT Hand-painted. They are professionally printed with premium inks, the ink is a high quality environmentally friendly pigment ink, but it is normal for all printed products to have a slight ink smell.
4. The colors you see on your monitor may be close to what is printed, but due to differences in the color calibration of monitors, a perfect match cannot be guaranteed.
5. Each poster is manually cut and measurement, may have an error of about ±2 mm which will not affect the mounting effect.
《朝元图》是元代马君祥及其子马七等人创作的一幅壁画。三清殿中的“朝元图”壁画,泰定三年(1325 年)由马君祥等人绘制而成,描绘了诸神朝拜元始天尊的故事,以8 个帝后主像为中心,周围有金童、玉女、星宿、力士等共286 尊,场面开阔,气势恢宏。这些壁画为我国古代壁画中的经典佳作(右页图是金母元君相)。朝元图为永乐宫壁画的一部分,是元代壁画艺术的最高典范。朝元图内容描绘道府诸神朝谒元始天尊,故名“朝元”。构图宏阔,气势磅礴,个个神采奕奕,表情动作无一雷同。壁画以八个高3米的主像(南极、北极、东极、玉皇、勾陈、木公、后土、金母)为中心,前画青龙、白虎二星君,后有天蓬、天犹二元帅,周置仙曹、仙官、天丁、力士、太乙、侍臣、金童、玉女、二十八宿,三十二帝君等,共画像394身。他们之间有的对语,有的沉思,有的倾听,有的注视,神情姿态彼此呼应,成为有机的整体。服饰冠戴华丽辉煌,衣纹多用吴道子“莼菜条”线条,长达数尺,紧劲贯气,既含蓄又有力度。色彩采用重彩勾填,在冠戴、衣襟、薰炉等处沥粉贴金,更觉绚烂眩目,此风格远承唐宋壁画传统,在元代画坛上独树一帜。这里选取《朝元图》中的二个画面,其一为主像之一的金母,温柔娴雅,高贵富丽;其二为三十二帝君之一的扶桑大帝,庄严肃穆,形神兼备。