Online Buy Handmade Antique Chinese Calligraphy Arts Copybook 王羲之书钟繇千字文行书书法字帖 郁冈斋帖 书法宣纸复古本. Find More Chinese Traditional Ancient Calligraphy Arts For Your Chinese style collections, China styles home decorations or as unique presents here. As you can see the images, in good condition, made retro, like old or used. Any questions just feel free to contact us.
Materials: Xuan Paper / Rice Paper / Xuan Zhi 宣纸
[Perfect gift] It is not only a painting, but also an unique ornament, very suitable for weddings, housewarming parties, birthdays and Christmas, or be used as a unique gift for friends or teachers or lovers who like to collect Chinese old products.
【规格】宽17cm 高29.5cm
传《王羲之临钟繇千字文帖》卷,是一件传世有名的墨迹,为历代收藏家所宝重。原帖纸本,凡八接,纸质细腻光洁,古色古香,纵 26.3 厘米,横 322 厘米,行书,共 108 行,计 974 字。字大小不一,小者厘米见方,大者倍之。帖前衔款“魏太尉钟繇千字文右军将军王羲之奉敕书”,帖文开首“二仪日月,云露严霜”八句,可名逗成韵,其后则辞语杂凑,不能克读,结尾“谓语助者,焉哉乎也”。其文内容与世传梁武帝命周兴嗣所撰《千字文》迥异。
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