Online Buy Handmade Antique Chinese Calligraphy Arts Copybook 文征明小楷字帖 老子列传 太上老君常说清静 书法经帖宣古本. Find More Chinese Traditional Ancient Calligraphy Arts For Your Chinese style collections, China styles home decorations or as unique presents here. As you can see the images, in good condition, made retro, like old or used. Any questions just feel free to contact us.
Materials: Xuan Paper / Rice Paper / Xuan Zhi 宣纸
[Perfect gift] It is not only a painting, but also an unique ornament, very suitable for weddings, housewarming parties, birthdays and Christmas, or be used as a unique gift for friends or teachers or lovers who like to collect Chinese old products.
【名称】《文征明太上老君说常清静 经帖老子列传》
【作者】 文征明
【规格】 宽11.5cm 高29cm
【页数】 22页
文征明小楷《太上老君说常清净 经帖》、《老子列传》合册,首页为工笔水墨老子像,题蝇头小楷一行:“长洲文徵明写像。”《太上老君说常清净 经帖》凡37行,书于明世宗嘉靖十六年(1537年)七月十二日,时年68岁。《老子列传》凡34行,书于明世宗嘉靖十七年(1538年)六月十九日,时年69岁。均钤“徵”、“明”朱文连珠小印。