Online Buy Handmade Antique Chinese Calligraphy Arts Copybook 赵孟頫真书九十二法赵子昂楷书书法宣纸 书法手工毛笔字帖. Find More Chinese Traditional Ancient Calligraphy Arts For Your Chinese style collections, China styles home decorations or as unique presents here. As you can see the images, in good condition, made retro, like old or used. Any questions just feel free to contact us.
Materials: Xuan Paper / Rice Paper / Xuan Zhi 宣纸
[Perfect gift] It is not only a painting, but also an unique ornament, very suitable for weddings, housewarming parties, birthdays and Christmas, or be used as a unique gift for friends or teachers or lovers who like to collect Chinese old products.
【作者】 赵孟頫
【规格】 宽13.5cm 高28.5cm
【页数】 28页
赵孟 字子昂,号松雪,松雪道人,又号水精宫道人、鸥波,中年曾作孟俯,汉族,吴兴(今浙江湖州)人。元代著名画家,楷书四大家(欧阳询、颜真卿、柳公权、赵孟)之一。赵孟博学多才,能诗善文,懂经济,工书法,精绘艺,擅金石,通律吕,解鉴赏。特别是书法和绘画成就,开创元代新画风,被称为“元人冠冕”。他也善篆、隶、真、行、草书,尤以楷、行书著称于世。